Below are the steps required to access after hours emergency service coverage. All emergency cases are required to be triaged similar to the human emergency system.
1. If you have concerns and believe your pet is suffering from an urgent or emergency condition please contact SMARTVET at 778-743-4351. You will be directed to an emergency triage service, you will speak directly to a British Columbia Registered Veterinary Technologist (RVT) who will then discuss your pets situation with you and ask you some basic questions. This step may take a few minutes to complete.
2. If the RVT determines that your pet is suffering from a life-threatening emergency and requires an in-person examination right away, they will contact the appropriate Emergency Clinic (Off Island) and provide you with further instructions.
3. If the RVT feels your pet’s condition may be dealt with without an in-person emergency visit, they will assist you in setting up a virtual appointment with a BC-based veterinarian. This means that the RVT does not feel your pet is currently suffering from an immediately life-threatening condition.
4. The RVT will aid you in setting up an account that meets the legal requirements for the provision of veterinary medicine in British Columbia. Payment is accepted in the form of a Credit Card, Debit Card or an E-transfer. This payment is required to proceed further though the triage process. This step may also take several minutes.
5. You will now be in the scheduled queue for your virtual consultation. We understand that this wait can be stressful for owners. It is important to note that if your pet experiences a new symptom or change in condition during this wait you are able to contact the RVT again and your place in the queue may be reassessed. Otherwise, please be patient and know that if your pet is waiting for a consultation, that is a good thing! It means their emergency situation has not been deemed life threatening.
6. During your virtual consultation, the veterinarian will further assess your pet. This may mean requesting a video or photos to aid in the process. This veterinarian may be able to prescribe certain medications for your pet which would allow you to avoid the unnecessary cost and travel time for an in-person visit. Their records and treatment will be sent to us the next business day so that we can proceed with any follow up for further treatment required.
7. At the end of your consultation, If the virtual veterinarian believes that your pet should be seen in clinic, they will arrange a transfer to the facility most suitable to your pet’s expected level of care and provide you with further instructions. When a transfer is facilitated, Smart.Vet will provide a reduced consultation fee.